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OBTU Chapter Meeting Mar 15, 2023

Oak Brook Recreation Center, Central Park West Building 1500 Forest Gate Rd, Oak Brook, IL, United States

Speaker:  Kyle Zempel, Founder of the Black Earth Angling Co,, a full-time guiding operation servicing both cold and warm water fisheries, with a sprinkling of destination travel. Topic:  "Exploring Fishing Opportunities in Southwest Wisconsin" This is a hybrid meeting.  You can attend in person at the Central Park West Building at the Oak Brook Park District [...]


Driftwood Grille 17W648 22nd Street, Suite A, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, United States

Fly Tying on Tap: Whether you want to fill your fly box, learn to tie a fly, learn a new tying pattern or join up with friends for a fun evening out, put this event on your calendar. If you would like to learn to tie a fly and do not have any equipment, contact [...]

Southeast Wisconsin work day at Bluff Creek

The Southeast Wisconsin Chapter of TU (SEWTU) has invited OBTU to this April 15 Work Day.  This is the first of what is expected to be about 3 work days in SE Wisconsin during 2023.   These are typically half day working sessions that take place in the morning and are finished off with a bratwurst [...]

OBTU Chapter Meeting April 19, 2023

Oak Brook Recreation Center, Central Park West Building 1500 Forest Gate Rd, Oak Brook, IL, United States

Speakers:  Southeast Wisconsin TU Chapter Habitat Committee Co-Chairs: Rick Larkin and Ken Rizzo Topic: Southeast Wisconsin Trout Streams.  Rick and Ken will present both fly fishing opportunities and conservation plans.  Join us to learn about trout fishing opportunities close to home as well as upcoming chances to get your feet wet on stream improvement workdays. [...]

Fennimore Fishing Outing

Fenway House Hotel 1096 Lincoln Avenue, Fennimore, Wisconsin, United States

OBTU Fishing Outing based in Fennimore, Wisconsin.     Fish excellent trout streams such as the Green River, Blue River, Crooked Creek and Castle Rock Creek.  Stay at the historic Fenway House Hotel.  Join your TU colleagues on the stream and tell fish stories at breakfast & dinner. Link to the Fenway House web site: [...]

DuPage River Cleanup–Naperville, Illinois

Pioneer Park 1212 S Washington Street, Naperville, Illinois

Come out for the Oak Brook TU 2023 Spring DuPage River Cleanup Day--9 a.m. to 12 noon!  Bring your river shoes or waders and join us for a morning of removing debris and litter along the West Branch of the DuPage River from Gartner Road to 75th Street in Naperville. This event is part of [...]

Youth Fly Fishing Class Session #1

Camp Sagawau Forest Preserve Learning Center 12545 West 111th Street, Lemont, IL, United States

Oak Brook Trout Unlimited is now in our 20th year of offering introductory one-day youth fly fishing classes. The program is open to boys and girls 11 years and older. We provide an easy-to-understand overview to the sport of fly fishing. All fly-fishing equipment and fly-tying materials are provided by Oak Brook Chapter Trout Unlimited. [...]

OBTU Chapter Meeting May 17, 2023

Oak Brook Recreation Center, Central Park West Building 1500 Forest Gate Rd, Oak Brook, IL, United States

Speaker:  Jay Anglin, Proprietor of Anglin Outdoors to speak on cold & warm water, multi-species fishing in the Michiana region.  Jay is currently serving as the President of MEANDERS (Meeting the Environmental and Agricultural Needs of the Dowagiac River System), a not-for-profit organization advocating for and providing guidance to the Dowagiac River restoration effort. This [...]

Coldwater River Survey & Fishing Weekend–Grand Rapids, Michigan

Tyler Creek Golf Club and Campground 13495 92nd St SE, Alto, MI, United States

Fishing Outing Combined with half day OBTU entomology survey. Meet at Coldwater River on Saturday, May 20 in the morning. Join the Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oak Brook TU Macroinvertebrate Survey. After lunch, form into fishing teams and deploy to various access points.  Fish Saturday afternoon till dinner. Option to fish Sunday morning [...]

Youth Fly Fishing Class Session #2

Camp Sagawau Forest Preserve Learning Center 12545 West 111th Street, Lemont, IL, United States

Oak Brook Trout Unlimited is now in our 19th year of offering introductory one-day youth fly fishing classes. The program is open to boys and girls 11 years and older. We provide an easy-to-understand overview to the sport of fly fishing. All fly-fishing equipment and fly-tying materials are provided by Oak Brook Chapter Trout Unlimited. [...]

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