May 20, 2023 and again on Oct 7, 2023.
Oak Brook TU Entomology Survey and Michigan Fly Fishing Weekend
For the past several years, OBTU has been performing entomology surveys of the Coldwater River Watershed near the town of Alto, close to Grand Rapids, Mi. This is a popular outing held each May and October and typically attracts strong participation. Following coffee & donuts, the outing features a half-day work session on Saturday morning where OBTU members split into small teams to sample the macrovertebrates at various Coldwater River locations. With samples collected, everyone meets back at the Tyler Creek Country Club to classify and record the samples. The data compliled is used over time to study trends in the diversity of macro invertebrates recorded providing an indicator of stream health. This is an enjoyable, interesting & educational activity. To the uninitiated, its a great opportunity to learn about coldwater aquatic insects and other invetebrates that contribute to the trout food chain.
Participants often fish before and/or after the entomology survey. Members often stay over 1 or more nights in Grand Rapids area motels or camp in the Tyler Creek Country Club camping area. Individuals often organize their own travel & fishing plans. Depending on personal preferences and varying conditions, people often fish on the Coldwater River, the Muskegon River, or the Rogue River. For those interested, efforts are made to pair up individuals who would like experienced companion(s), ride sharing, etc. Please contact Marvin Strauch, the event organizer, for more info and to register your interest in attending.