OBTU’s conservation activities include financial and volunteer assistance for projects in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois in support of Trout Unlimited’s mission of conserving, protecting and restoring coldwater fisheries and their watersheds in the Midwest.
Our conservation financial commitments this year include Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TUDARE); Conway Creek in the Wisconsin Driftless Area; continued stream restoration work near Sparta, Wisconsin; and biological monitoring and survey work on the Coldwater and Dowagiac River watersheds in Michigan.
To learn more about the Dowagiac River dam removal and restoration plans, read the interview with Marcy Hamilton, Senior Planner with the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission, who is overseeing the project.
Volunteer support is needed for our Spring and Fall macroinvertebrate surveys on the Coldwater River Watershed in Alto, Michigan outside of Grand Rapids. If you would like to participate in this year’s macroinvertebrate studies, look for details of this year’s outings in the OBTU calendar.
Volunteers will also be needed to help with stream maintenance and improvement projects. A stream restoration work day is planned for this summer in Wisconsin. Details will be posted on the OBTU calendar when the date is finalized.
Our Conservation Committee continues to pursue conservation opportunities closer to home. This will be the third year we have participated in the DuPage River “Adopt-A-Stream” program. Spring and fall cleanup days are held on our adopted stretch of the West Branch DuPage River, south of Naperville, IL. Please check the OBTU Calendar to confirm dates and times.
Oak Brook TU stream restoration work days typically consist of a few hours of light physical activity followed by lunch and member fellowship. Our events are accessible, social, educational, and valuable to the environment. Our members also typically try to schedule a little nearby fishing as part of their itinerary. Since our Wisconsin and Michigan projects are three-plus hours’ drive time from Chicago, we try to facilitate carpooling for interested members.
For more information, please contact Dave Carlson.