About Us
Chapter of Trout Unlimited is dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring coldwater fisheries and their watersheds in the Midwest. It is comprised of over 1,200 members from Chicago’s western and southern suburbs and downstate Illinois and is part of national Trout Unlimited.
Oak Brook TU fulfills its mission through advocacy and education regarding impacts to aquatic ecosystems and by sponsoring and engaging volunteers in hands-on projects to rehabilitate coldwater systems.
Since its founding in 1973, Oak Brook TU helped found the Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort; donated thousands of volunteer hours to the restoration and protection of coldwater fisheries; engaged over 4,000 Trout in the Classroom students; taught over 1,000 youth fly fishing class participants; supported a “TU Teens” program at Riverside Brookfield High School and supported the annual Illinois Council of Trout Unlimited Youth Conservation and Fly Fishing Camp.
Read more information about our conservation and youth education program history.
Where and When We Meet
Chapter meetings are typically scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month (except June, July and August) at the Oak Brook Recreation Center, Central Park West building near 31st Street and Jorie Blvd. In Oak Brook, Illinois. Every meeting features a speaker or presentation on topics ranging from issues confronting the trout waters here in the Midwest, to local fishing opportunities and techniques.